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My Observation On Consciousness

[SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"][COLOR="darkslategray"][COLOR="Navy"] Every one of us thinks that we are very good at thinking, but we have little comprehension of just how good we are at thinking, it is simply because the majority of our thinking takes place quite independently from our conscious thinking abilities. We are totally unaware of the majority of our thinking processes simply because it would interfere with our concentration, the use of words are vital in giving explanation when we are considering concepts we have never considered before. How can we consider something when we do not know anything about it, we have simply no natural understanding of just how our minds work. The Conscious area of your working brain, the area we know most about, is simply the smallest part of your working brain, That area is unconsciously utilising many area`s of your brain. Ideas are being supplied from many areas of your brain working collectively to provide the conscious area of your mind with the information you require to reason with.

So before we talk about teaching, or learn anything at all about teaching, we have to have some understanding of just how our own brain works, teaching and learning are the most natural human habits we poses without the automatic abilities we poses we would have no language ability, limited memory, and very little hope of surviving as a species on our planet, language is perfectly natural to us, I am using language to give you explanations of human abilities none of us could ever be aware of without deep philosophical thought or scientific exploration, or simply being told about those natural human abilities we all poses in the simplest and most precise use of words I can manage to convey these ideas in.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE="5"]From my own concepts, this is what I visualise in the future as regards education which can virtually be provided, in extreme situations, free for every child on earth.

My concepts within early education are built around visual procedures, which the child learns to copy.

Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher, gave us the quotation that everything we need to do, we simply learn to do by doing.

Around 100 years ago Maria Montessori, opened her first school, the principals she brought to her teaching were ancient principles of seeing and doing.

It is self-evident that we are all created equal, but are born into inequality. After fifteen years of research, I believe that virtually every child can be taught to count easily.

My observations are that our kindergartens, nursery schools and reception classes throughout the world, should utilise one simple procedure to establish subconscious ability within numeracy. By following one procedure, we will ensure universal understanding of mathematics at the earliest possible age.

For the sake of everyone in the human race, and for the future of the human race there has to be a sustainable education system, which starts within the family.

My visual kinaesthetic procedures can start, just as quickly as the child starts to speak. Every study of primary education, inevitably, indicates ability in counting and reading is related directly to early teaching. If early teaching is simple, if early teaching is practical, if early teaching is universal, if every kindergarten and Nursery School utilise one system, if every primary reception class utilises a universal system, no child will ever be left behind again.

The processes to understand numeracy are built into every child's mind by the simplicity of the decimal system. The hands illustrate the perfect pictures of five. The two hands build a perfect picture of ten. Simply by learning the name of every finger, every child automatically understands the quantity of the numbers one to ten.

We start with Mr five and Mr six, numbers one and ten, three and eight to keep them straight, and slowly we establish perfection within the individual number recognition.

My procedure described as 'a sum a second', is actually three sums a second, the child recognises the two pictures of five, subtracts where necessary and adds the two totals together.

Abacus one will allow every child in the world to recognise the names of every number from 1 to 1110 in its own language, it is a perfect starting point for all the pre-reading exercises, the child has to master initially, every word is recognised 'Simply as a picture'. The majority of the world's languages are taught alphabetically, naturally, therefore, we study the individual alphabetic shape.
In English: All we need to do is chant our rhythmic alphabet, after this we link the shape and the alphabet sound as one.

Once the alphabet, sound and shape are committed to our conscious and subconscious mind, we can utilise three-dimensional objects to quickly build, the alternative sounds of letters into the child's subconscious ability (Phonetic Sounds). By simply placing different objects on different letters that are perfectly understood as letters of the alphabet in the alphabetical sound necessary to be retained for life. In just the same way as we built numerical understanding utilising words as pictures, we can bring about syllable understanding.

Quite naturally, by utilising three-dimensional objects relating back to the alphabet.
Understanding system one for every one, is exactly what it means, one universal system that starts by perfecting numeracy. This builds the brain activation necessary for the child to begin reading, giving explanation verbally is one thing, understanding that verbal explanation is another. Of course the scientists need to verify these procedures in a clinically controlled research operation covering numerous classes and numerous languages. It has taken me all of fifteen years of research in order to prove something that I clearly understood in less than fifteen minutes.

The Abacus, is the world's best tutor of mathematics. In any form whatsoever. But Abacus one is the best teacher of both arithmetic, and reading produced by scientific understanding regarding brain function, alongside the simple visual kinaesthetic procedures, we use to complement it with.

System one for every one means that every healthy child can be taught. Quite simply at home or within the most disadvantaged primary School on earth.[/SIZE]

THE IDEA http://www.system-one-4-every-1.co.uk/

This is a good mother starting with system one 4 ever 1


Try it yourself
[SIZE="6"]FOR BUNKER ROY [/SIZE]his 3 questions

[SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]why the children should learn how to use the ABACUS [/SIZE]?[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="7"]

The first answer[/SIZE][/COLOR]


The movement and natural words for numbers prepare the child`s memory for mental arithmetic, it is a mobile map of arithmetic process, every child can follow.

[SIZE="6"]The second Answer[/SIZE]

Because of the simplicity, the child’s parents can learn how to use the Abacus in one day, and transfer that knowledge to their own children at the very earliest point possible within their own children's early years, when the children find developing an ability in arithmetic exciting.

[SIZE="6"]The Third Answer [/SIZE]

As the major part of our memory is created from images in action created by what we have experienced or from what our own adult lessons tell us ,with a child we only have a limited experience so that experience needs to be precise.

[SIZE="6"]The Forth Answer[/SIZE]

Clearly the standard of mass education is better in Japan and China then in the rest of Asia, their type of education relates directly back to systematic method, which the rest of the world can adopt simply by using a standard systematic proven method.

[SIZE="6"]The Fifth answer[/SIZE]

Using the abacus early because of standard practice and the low or no cost of education means that children previously without any chance of high quality teaching are guaranteed the very best standard of education the world is capable of delivering.

2. [SIZE="7"]What they will learn?[/SIZE]

1st answer.

Remember that the pre Abacus exercises have already identified quantity in relation to 10 fingers, from that position utilising by My “ A sum a second routine,” they have learnt to add any quantity of single figure digits resulting in understanding clearly all the quantities between two and 10, the Abacus expands the child's perception of the decimal system.

2nd answer

Starting with counting 10 to 100. Expanding the realisation by simply adding five `s in between the tens is easy, counting elevens to 110 by simply moving two columns of the Abacus upwards, then illustrating the counting of nine by adding 10 and then subtracting one on the Abacus, starts the visualisation of counting every number 1 to 10 quite naturally.

3rd answer

Using the Abacus is a visual kinaesthetic memory creation, daily procedure in addition and subtraction builds the child's confidence, starting simply by not breaking the 10 allows the child to familiarise itself with simple addition and subtraction, which is assimilated quite easily, before the child is encouraged to break the number 10 utilising the facilities normal on all Abacus.

4th answer

By utilising the Abacus one map children can work together in small groups, concentrating on building personal quantities of numbers, under the guidance of a trained teacher, an older child in the school, or their parents, children identifying quantities are concentrating on the numbers intensely, it is a vivid building of perfection in all children.

5th answer

From the Abacus children can learn the words in their own language of numbers, simply by adopting stickers the child can understand mathematics from their initial understanding in their own language, developing an alternative language, simply by utilising the knowledge that they have gained initially by using the Abacus regularly.

6th regular division and multiplication concepts can be initiated by the Abacus, some big ones are possible quite easily but divisions of numbers can be illustrated as simple counting procedure, in just the same manner addition adding numbers can be illustrated as multiplication of numbers.

3.[SIZE="7"][COLOR="DarkRed"] How it will help them in their daily lives


A The first answer is in the preparation of the child's brain, having learnt to utilise their reading abilities to study numeric exercises, their brains are well-prepared to start memory establishment of simple words, and words that need to be built up in syllables, their brains have been activated simply by their natural mental abilities in understanding mental arithmetic.

B Ability to read is in my opinion the right of every child, that ability has been preceded by perfecting numeric awareness within every normal healthy child's life, taking the child further forward in reading ability, is also part of my system one for everyone as regards children learning English, but also adaption of every other language is equally beneficial following numeric perfection.

C Within the everyday lives of everyone of us, instantaneous numeric concepts, allow us to interpret the information we are constantly being given in newspapers regarding politics, in businesses regarding quantity and price, quantity and measurement of quantity in all private and business aspects of our lives.

D The fourth answer is that basic instantaneous mathematics are at the root of all science chemistry and engineering, children educated in a Montessori manner manage Google today, this has to be a prime example of children trained in early mathematics perfectly.

E [SIZE="6"]THE FINAL CONCEPT How can the village children, without land of their own, ever manage to fit comfortably between rural and urban lifestyles, which will most probably be the future of many individuals, fighting for their rights to exist in a competitive world, their own basic education should allow them to continue learning all their lifetimes, and teaching their own children efficiently.[/SIZE]